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Occupational health and Safety

Job Safety First

İş Sağlığı

As Ceylan Composite, our main goal in occupational health and safety is to be a model institution in which no job accidents or occupational diseases occur.

Improving work ergonomics and conditions, preventing risks and protecting worker health are among the most important responsibilities of our managers. We guide our activities by these insights and continuously improve ourselves while we follow the principles below:

  • Follow the laws, rules and regulations about occupational health and safety.
  • Evaluate all the hazards for the prevention of occupational accidents and occupational diseases, perform risk analysis with the participation of employees and to take measures with appropriate methods and risks.
  • To train all our employees about health and safety and raise their awareness.
  • Continuously renew and plan the necessary trainings and exercises in accordance with the changing and emerging risks.
  • Using safe equipment and appropriate technology for a healthy and safe working environment, making our investments accordingly.
  • To build business health and safety culture in our business and to make it a lifestyle.

All of our employees, interns and visitors in our organization are responsible for conducting their activities in accordance with the principles of occupational health and safety within the framework of our principles as outlined above.

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